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Pughoboto Sub-Division Planning and Development Board meeting was held under the chairmanship of Additional Deputy Commissioner & SDPDB vice chairman, Thungchanbemo Tungoe at DB court hall, Pughoboto on 16th July 2021.

The house approved the LADP 2021-22 schemes, which includes the Covid-19 relief for the Pughoboto sub-division. SMO, CHC Pughoboto, Dr.Esther Kath who highlighted the vaccination drive said that total vaccinated number for the entire 24 village as on 14th July stands at 4,568. The total vaccinated persons in the 18-44 years category was 2,365 while in the 45-59 years category, it stood at 1,177. Further, 810 beneficiaries in the 60 years & above were vaccinated, and 123 and 93 front line workers and healthcare workers have been inoculated respectively. She also briefed on the vaccination and sensitization drives being taken up in all the villages.

EE (PWD), Chengkato Kath highlighted on the status of the road condition of the sub-division. The house also welcomed the new members, including EAC Ghatashi, Nitile Tep.


(APRO Pughoboto)