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A two-day state-level training on Routine Immunization (RI) Strengthening and Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) Coverage Improvement was held at De Oriental Grand, Kohima on July 3rd and 4th 2024.

 The event brought together key state officials, including the Mission Director of the National Health Mission (NHM), the State Immunization Officer (SIO), and the Deputy Director of the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP), Nagaland. District Immunization Officers (DIOs), District Program Managers (DPMs) and District Community Mobilizers (DCMs) from across the state were invited to attend the two-day training.

The comprehensive agenda for the training covered several crucial topics aimed at strengthening the immunization programme in the state. Highlights included a detailed exercise on strengthening micro plan, improving the coverage of newly introduced vaccines, the PCV product switch, UWIN, eVIN, cold chain and data management. Other vital components of the training included a discussion on demand generation and addressing the supply side challenges in successful implementation of the RI programme. There was also discussion on strengthening urban RI, with an update on Kohima urban and plans for other National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) districts.

The event marked a significant step towards improving routine immunization coverage including PCV and other new vaccines. The training was organized by the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Nagaland with support from New Vaccine Introduction team, JSI India, and other development partners including WHO, UNDP and UNICEF