The exercise in Kiphire was held at three locations- Government Higher Secondary School, Daily Bazaar, and District Agriculture Office respectively. The rescue method was held in two manners- fire scenario and Earthquake. The main staging area was set up at Helipad ground Kiphire and the relief camp at Local ground Kiphire where the line departments and stakeholders reported after the siren was sounded at 9 am to respond to the Disaster.
A rescue crew involving 60 personnel from fire and Emergency Services and Nagaland Police was dispatched to the incident location and reported 18 casualties, four deaths, and 14 minor injuries who were sent to the medical team for further treatment and first aid. 80 Volunteers from different Schools and colleges, Government departments, and agencies activity participated and played their respective roles and responsibilities assigned to them in the incident Response System.
(Wangshikokla IA Kiphire)