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A one day training for Officers proposed for Covid-19 duty under Incident Response Team (IRS) was held in Kohima on 28th April 2020 at DPDB hall by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer Kohima. The main objective of the training was to ensure that the Incident Response Team was prepared to tackle any issue relating to the outbreak of Covid-19 in the District. The resource persons gave a detailed explanation along with visual presentations on seven vital topics which are:  introduction of Covid-19, Containment Strategy, Roles and Responsibilities, Contact Tracing, Data Management, Personal Protective Measures and End of Life Care Management.  The training was conducted by a team of Six resource persons led by Dr. Vezokhulu Theyo CMO Kohima and her colleagues Dr.Hoito Sema Dy. CMO, Dr.Ruyangulie Paphino MO,MMU, Dr. Aseno Rhetso DSO, Dr. Asunu Thong DTO and Dr. Rupert Peseyie DPO (RCH/UIP).

Deputy Commissioner Kohima Gregory Thejawelie NCS thanked the Chief Medical Officer Kohima  and her team for initiating and taking up the responsibility in providing proper training and awareness to different sections of the society and government officials with regard to the numerous issues related to Covid-19. He further expressed that all the concerned government officials, NDRF, SDRF, NYK and the NGOs after the training would now be aware of their respective roles and responsibilities and will be able to effectively tackle any issue that may arise with regard to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The training was followed by a brief discussion on a table top exercise for the District Incident Response Team with regard to conducting a District level mock drill on 30th April 2020.

(Morotsung, IA Kohima)