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Nagaland Agriculture Production Commissioner, KikhetoSema who is also the incharge of Dimapur district COVID 19 activities, convened a meeting of Nodal officers of all the districts of Nagaland including the Convenors of Accommodations, Transport and Food Committee of Team Dimapur on 1st July 2020 at Saramati hotel Dimapur. The meeting was held for reviewing and also to listen to the views and suggestions from all the district nodal officers in order to continue to work together with a holistic approach in the fight against COVID 19 pandemic.

Sema disclosed that fresh Returnees hailing from Peren and Mon districts would now be hosted and Quarantined in Dimapur, as per request made by the concerned districts and also as per the direction of the High Powered Committee which is also in the SOP.  Request was also made by Longleng district for hosting their fresh Returnees at Dimapur, to which Team Dimapur agreed as Returnees from Longleng are few in number, Kikheto informed.

In the meeting, some Nodal officers informed about problems faces by some of their Returnees who are not being allowed to stay in some colonies at Dimapur after completing their Quarantine period at Dimapur and where their parents stay in other Districts. Towards this, it was decided that after Quarantine period is over and officially released by the Quarantine Center (QC) with a certificate it will be the responsibility of the quarantinee parents/relatives to take care of them. While stating that the community should also appreciate the government for bringing back their children from different parts of the country, fed them, undertaken test, Quarantine them and felt that after releasing them from the QCs, the government or the frontline workers should not be troubled as far as issue of reaching their homes or native places by the quarantinees are concerned. Sema expressed surprised stating that till date no sense of appreciation was received from the parents of the Returnees to the frontline workers who are sacrificing day and night.  He also enlightened all the District nodal officers to ascertain whether any other state and particularly NE states are taking trouble the way Nagaland Government and the frontline workers of the state are sacrificing and trying their best to take care of the Returnees. Sema further reminded that corona can be defeated unitedly with concerted effort and encouraged the Nodal officers by saying, "If there is any problem don't hesitate to share because Team Dimapur would solve it." He further went on to say that there are several problems starting from mosquito to corona virus and said, "When we are fighting with the biggest problem (COVID 19) why should we give importance to small problems, we will solve it." Sema also cautioned that Nagaland was likely to face severe monsoon where heavy landslides and disaster could not be ruled out. Team Dimapur is getting ready for tackling any such eventuality, Kikheto maintained. Sema appreciated all the frontline workers particularly the medical team for the job done well so far and further appealed to them to continue to give their best.

Member Empowered Committee, HonjeKonyak also encouraged all the nodal officers to work in coordination and asked them to bring to the notice of Team Dimapur for any problems faced. 

CMO Dimapur, Dr.Tiasunep, re-iterated to give in their best effort in the fight against COVID 19. However, he expressed concern about shortage of manpower and noted that his health workers are almost exhausted and needs rest. Towards this, Kikheto advised the CMO to give in written, should there be any manpower problem to take care of the fresh Returnees of Mon, Peren and Longleng so that he can take up the issue to the Medical Department for necessary re- deployment of doctors and medical staff.

Accommodation Committee Convenor, Mhalo informed that to give sufficient accommodation to the Returnees of other Districts in the transit camp at Agri Expo, some Returnees would be re-allocated to other QC so that the whole capacity of 178 beds will be made available for the transit Returnees.

She further advised all the nodal officers to enlighten the Returnees of their respective districts to keep their rooms clean and tidy and to dispose the disposable bedsheets and pillow covers in the dustbins when they leave the transit camp. 

Food Committee Convenor, Avonuo informed all the Nodal officers that there was no problem in providing food to all the inmates including the transit Returnees and assured that they would continue to provide their services.

(DPRO Dimapur)