iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner Mon, Thavaseelan K, IAS has stated that as per the letter received from the Directorate of Rural Development, Nagaland, Kohima, 50% of GIA is released as 1st instalment to enable the Villages to meet the immediate needs to combat COVID-19. In this regard, the following advisory is issued to the Villagers in regard to the utilisation of the same:-

  1. 10% of the 1st instalment may be earmarked for "Active Case Search Plan ", which will be undertaken by each Village Task Force for COVID-19 in their respective Villages.  Guidelines for "Active Case Search Plan" will be released shortly.
  2. It is advised that some amount may be utilised for arrangement of water supply, electricity connection, toilet facilities etc. In the Council Hall or any other location which may be identified as an Emergency Quarantine Center for the village.
  3. Villages are further directed to utilise sufficient amount for the purchase of essential commodities, food grains, medicines etc. for immediate urgent use or for storage in a food bank or granary for unforeseen emergencies. It is advised that a major portion be utilized for this purpose so that it would benefit the citizens of the Village.
  4. It is also advised that some amount may be kept aside for meeting necessary expenditures such as transportation charge for lifting PDS rice during this period of crisis (in case the cost is not borne by the Food and Civil Supplies Department).


(DPRO, Mon)