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Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur, Dr. Tinojongshi Chang, NCS along with Additional Deputy Commissioner & Electoral Registration Officer, Dimapur,  Mhalo Humtsoe, NCS and Assistant  Election Officer, Dimapur, Toshimongba, released the  Draft Publication of the Photo Electoral  Roll at the Deputy Commissioner’s Chamber, Dimapur on 27th October 2023.

Chang applealed to the political parties present to tie up with their respective polling agents and party workers to assist the Booth Level Officer (BLO)  in enrolling new and first time voters and to help till the process of addition, deletion and changes are made in the draft publication.

ADC & Electoral Registration Officer, Dimapur, Mhalo Humtsoe,  NCS  informed that special camps for enrolling new and first time voters will be held in different  areas in Dimapur. She also requested the different political parties to help in creating awareness in their respective areas so that eligible voters can enroll.

All the recognized political parties present during the draft publication were handed hard copies of Draft Roll during the event.


(I.Tiakumla. Ao, IA Dimapur)