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Principal Director, Directorate of School Education, Shanavas C, IAS, notified for the information of all concerned that the Junior Maths Championship, India's First Online Gamified Maths Competition organized by the Matific foundation will be held on 11th &
12th August 2021.The Junior Maths Championship is a FREE, friendly online Maths competition for Primary School Students and provides a great opportunity for children to practice Maths, boost confidence, and develop a growth mindset in the subject. Each year, over 1,000,000 children from around the world participate in the Junior Maths Championship and answer millions of Maths questions and is a great way for students to revive their interest in Mathematics. Exciting Cash Prizes are also given to winning Students, Classes and Schools. Therefore, all School Heads (Both Govt. & Private) have been requested to encourage teachers and parents to register for students/classes/schools for the completion and make use of the opportunity to show children that Maths is FUN, Useful, and Exciting. For further details and registration visit https://www.matific.com/in/enin/home/matific-olympiad/