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Along with the rest of the nation, the Nagaland State Legal Services Authority (NSLSA) is organizing 1st Quarterly National Lok Adalat (People’s Courts) for the year 2025 in all the district headquarters on 8th March 2025. 

11 Lok Adalat Benches will be set up by the District Legal Services Authority (DLSAs). 

As per provisions of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 read with National Legal Services Authority (Lok Adalats) Regulations, 2009 in the Courts and Tribunals, it has been the practice to conduct 4 National Lok Adalats in a year in all District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs) and High Court Legal Services Committee (HCLSC) under the State Legal Services Authority. 

Generally, pre-litigation and pending cases can be taken up for settlement in the National Lok Adalats which include all type of civil and criminal compoundable cases like National Insurance Act cases under Section 138; Money Recovery cases; Motor Accident Claim cases; Labour dispute cases; Disputes related to Public Utility services such as Electricity & Water Bills cases etc. (excluding non-compoundable); Matrimonial disputes (except divorce)/ Family disputes, Land Acquisition cases; Service matters including pension cases; Revenue and other ancillary matter, pending before High Court, district Courts and state/ district/ taluka authorities, IPR matters/ Consumer matters/ also other matters pending before any other quasi-judicial authority; Other civil cases (rent, easmentary rights, injunction suits, specific performance suits etc.). 

For more information, persons can approach Front Offices of DLSAs at District Court premises or Office of the NSLSA, Top Floor, NPA Building, DC office compound, Kohima or dial into toll free NASLA Helpline 15100 or NSLSA Helpline number- 9118003453883 or email nslsa.nagaland@yahoo.in for further information. 

The disposal Data of each DLSAs will be further uploaded on the web portal of the state Authority at nslsa.nagalandgov.in.