The department is under the charge of an advisor. At the Secretariat level the Department is currently headed by a Secretary with supporting administrative officers. At the Directorate level the department is headed by the Director, assisted by 1 Additional Director, 2 Joint Directors, 4 Deputy Directors and other supporting officers and staff.

PRO at New Delhi
The Department has posted one officer as Press Relations Officer (PRO), attached to Nagaland House, New Delhi.
INFORMATION CELL at Nagaland Civil Secretariat
The Department also has an ‘Information Cell’ at the Nagaland Civil Secretariat, Kohima to facilitates better flow of information from the State’s central Administration.
The set up in the Districts comprises of the District Public Relations (DPROs) assisted by Assistant Public Relations Officers (APROs) and the Information Assistant (IAs). In the district level, the District Public Relations Officers, the APROs and Information Assistants are engaged in news collection and dissemination activities.