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The Angami community residing in Delhi came together to celebrate Sekrenyi Festival, the main festival of the Angami tribe at Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Road, Nagaland House New Delhi on 1st March 2025.

Young and old, from all walks of life joined in the festival which was organized by the Angami Krotho Delhi. The festival was celebrated, not just to preserve the rich culture and traditions of the Angami tribe, build stronger bond and friendship, but the occasion also sought to enlighten the gathering on why Sekrenyi is celebrated and significance behind the celebration.

A panel discussion was held on the need for understanding and reviving the past traditions while on the other hand opposition to it as being in contradiction to Christian practice. The discussion also briefly dwelt on how we can revive and appreciate our culture in present day, why we celebrate Sekrenyi, and how do we celebrate it in a newer ways and whether it is adding value to our lives. 

Rev. Dr. Noulezhalie Ricky Medom, Pastor NCF Delhi, Deputy Director Information & Public Relations, Government of Nagaland, Kuolie Mere, Vikhilie Terhüja, Medovisienuo Dahou were the panellists for the discussion and was moderated by Dr. Kevisetuo Dzeyie.     

Kevijalie Belho, President AKD delivered the welcome address and Rev. Dr. Noulezhalie Ricky Medom, Pastor Naga Christian Fellowship, Delhi offered the invocation. A special song was presented by AKD members and ‘Geizo’ (poetry) was shared by Ajalie Zuyie, Group Captain, IAF. Vikuoheo Chüpuo compered the programme and Kethosinuo Tepa delivered the vote of thanks. The event also witnessed an Open Naga Wrestling competition.


 (PRO Nagaland House, New Delhi)