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This is to rectify that under the news article ‘76th Republic Day 2025 Awardees,’ ‘List of Awardees of Governor's Gold medal awarded on the occasion of 76th Republic Day celebrations 2025’ should be read as ‘List of Awardees of Governor's Commendation Certificate awarded on the occasion of 76th Republic Day celebrations 2025,’ and not as rendered. The inadvertent error is highly regretted.


76th Republic Day 2025 Awardees

On the occasion of 76th Republic Day 2025 celebrations, various awards were given out by the Governor, La. Ganesan at the Parade Ground Secretariat Plaza, Kohima. The list of the awardees are as follows: 

President's Medal for Distinguished Service (Police) announced on the occasion of 76th Republic day celebrations 2025:

  1. Imtiakum Pongen Asst. Commandant


President’s Medal for Distinguished Service. (Awarded)


  1. Rupin Sharma, IPS Director General of Police, Nagaland as announced on Republic day 2024.
  2. T.Tsenpemo Kikon, NPS, Asst. Commandant 15th NAP(IR)Bn. as announced on Independence Day 2023


Police Medal for Meritorious Service announced on the occasion of 76th Republic day celebrations 2025:


  1. Shouka Kakheto, Deputy Commandant.
  2. Zasilie Angami, Sub-Inspector
  3. Metseirovi Sakhrie, Naik


Police Medal for Meritorious Service (Awarded)


  1. Sonia Singh, IPS, IGP (Vigilance) as announced on Independence Day 2023
  2. T.Y Ngullie, NPS, Commandant, 11th (IR)Bn. as announced on Independence Day 2023
  3. Peter Shuya, SDPO, Meluri, DEF Phek as announced on Republic Day 2024
  4. Toshimongba Imchen, ABSI, 9th NAP (IR)Bn as announced on Republic Day 2024
  5. Archer Phyobemo, ABSI,Int. Estt. as announced on Republic Day 2024  



Awardees of Governor’s Gold Medal announced on the occasion of 76th Republic Day celebration 2025:


  1. Suman Shivashankar Sivachar, IFS, Divisional Forest Officer, Wokha
  2. Tsutsowe Kupa, NCS, Under Secretary, State Election Commission.
  3. Lanuchuba Longchar, NPS, Asst. Commandant, 12th NAP (IR)Bn.


List of Awardees of Governor’s Commendation Certificate awarded on the occasion of 76th Republic day celebrations 2025:


  1. Dr. Hentok Phom, Jt. Director & Nodal Officer Department of Health & Family Welfare, Nagaland House New Delhi.
  2. Dr. Vezokholu Theyo, Jt. Director Department of Health & Family Welfare
  3. Dr. Kevizakie Rio, Dy. Director, Department of School Education
  4. Takatemjen Pongen, NCS, EAC (HQ), Kiphire
  5. P.K. Wangpa Konyak, Asst. Commandant (VG) Mon
  6. Akoba T. Sangtam, ABSI, 3rd NAP Bn
  7. Siezo Zumu, ASI, INT Estt.
  8. Thungchanbemo Lotha, Technical Supervisor, Department of IPR
  9. Tsanthungo Lotha, Head Warden, District Jail, Wokha
  10. Y. Isawoto Jimo, Head GB, Nikhekhu Village, Niuland District
  11. Krishna Mandal, Sectional Assistant, Nazarat Branch, Home Branch
  12. Y. Pongba Konyak, Burma Camp, Dimapur, Act of Bravery


(Morotsung Longchar, IA)