In reference to notice of the office of the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority, Dimapur, dated 25th February 2025, all short-listed applicants for two-wheeler taxi permits under Chumoukedima district have been invited for driving test to be conducted on 25th and 26th March 2025 at 2:00 PM at the premises of the Inter-State Truck Terminal Complex, Chumoukedima, (District Transport Office) as per the schedule mentioned below:
List of applicants to report on 25th March 2025 at 2:00 pm: Tsheku, Meceivi Kiκηι, N. Lichanthung Tungoe, Tovikato Achumi, Nzanthung Lotha, Shanchothung R Humtsoe, Sentiwapang, Youlem, Libenthung S Kikon, Iloka Achumi, Songmo Mansa, Imtiningkum, Kheka, Kehodi Yoho, Sahuto Keyho, Zapuvizo C Khroitsu, Keviselie C Khroitsu, Along Ao, Sakomeren, Wekupe Therie, Wonchibeni Lotha, Kitoka Sumi, Keviletuo Nagi, Bidusuto Zecho, Levi Puro, Yenwang N Konyak, Ongwang N, Kedukhul Metha, Viphreto Tetso, Shikavi Sumi, Monglong, Khrieketuolhou Punyu, Amenba Tzudir, Thepfukedo, Joseph Chishi, Neihu Dzuvichu, Neilhoutuo Venuh, Venetolu Tetso, Khrunielu Rhakho, K. Tovato Achumi
List of applicants to report on 26th march 2025 at 2:00 pm: Alohito Achumi, Megotou Savino, Mhasengoi Keyho, Vihutuo Tsukru, Keviwhetuo Savino, Lerovi Chielie, Avi Roque Chase, Khrieketoulhou Punyu, Neikerhezo Metha, Chonchithung Tungoe, Ruokuovilie Mere, Weku Wezah, Lhikeyie Elah, Ekithung M Ngullie, Nuvoto Lohe, Haothang Singson, Kevizhapu Terhuja, Kevilhoutuo Nagi, Vemese Chiezu, Neichubeilie, Menokhrielie, Thejasevor Kruse, Rokozhazo Kruse, Kevimese Vupru, Rokokhotuo, Sungjemen, Supongsashi Longkumer, Thepfukuolie Sanchu, Tekalong Aier, Hovise Naleo, Shurhotsilie Theunuo, Kelhousesilie Kin, Mhathung Patton, Abemo F Kithan, Keneiseto Savi, Talimen Amri, Vireto, Joshua Angami, Imlipenba, Orentsamo Kinghen, Wonchithung Kinghen, Y Sheao Konyak.
All short-listed applicants are to make arrangements for two-wheeler (scooty)/helmets and produce their driving license (in original) during the test driving.
All short-listed applicants are to report Vileto Natso (Ph. No. 9612774469), Motor Vehicle Inspector, on the assigned date and time.
(Tovikali, IA Chumoukedima)