iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)


In pursuance to letter dated 2nd December 2024 issued by the Office of the Commissioner, Nagaland, Kohima with reference to the letter issued by the Department of Works & Housing, Government of Nagaland, the Deputy Commissioner, Kiphire has notified for the information of all general public that the land from Km 176.00 to Km 190 00 and Km 241.00 to Km 283.00 under NH-202 is required for acquisition for widening of existing single lane road to two lane with paved shoulder.

The Deputy Commissioner in exercise of the power conferred under Section 9(2) of the Nagaland acquisition Act 1965, Acquisition Act 1884, duly authorized by the State Government as competent authority has notify that if any persons/party/villages have any claim and objection within Kiphire District from the said mentioned area, the same may be submitted to the office of the undersigned with a period of 10 (ten) days w.e.f the date of issue of this notification.


(DPRO Kiphire)