Zunheboto District Legal Services Authority (ZDLSA) organised Legal Awareness Programme at Town Hall, Suruhuto under Zunheboto district on 1st March 2025, incorporating fourteen villages within its area. The participants and attendees for the awareness programme included Dobashis, GBs, village councils, church leaders, women association, student bodies and police personnel from Suruhoto P.S.
In his welcome address SDO (C) Suruhoto, Trongdiba Tongpi encouraged the participants to make use of the free services provided by the District Legal Services Authority and further lauded the ZDLSA for initiating such an event in the area.
In her keynote address, Secretary ZDLSA, Judicial Magistrate, Cheliam Khiamniungan highlighted on the activities of legal services and welfare schemes including victim compensation scheme.
Deputy LADC, Tovi Z. Yeptho spoke on FIR and legal rights when arrested, while the Retainer Lawyer, Easter H. Yepthomi elaborated on provisions of bail, and Assistant LADC, ZDLSA, Inolito K. Sumi spoke on NALSA (victim of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation) scheme 2015.
The programme was chaired by DEO Establishment LADCs, Mughaka Sumi. The programme concluded with an interactive session with active participation from O.C Police and the participants shared experiences and cleared their queries. The elders/leaders further expressed their needs and requested the authorities to set up Legal Aid Clinic at Suruhoto, so as to cater to the need of the people including the neighbouring villages. Pamphlets/leaflets were later distributed to all the participants.
(IA Suruhuto)