The 3rd December is always celebrated as International Day of Persons with Disability. In this connection, Nagaland Parents Association for Disable (NAPAD), on behalf of all the parents and family members having persons with disabilities convey the greetings to the Government, NGOs, stakeholders and special citizens for striving hard to safeguard and uplift the cause of disabilities in the right direction. The theme for 2024 is “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future”. It is once again, testified that, the world body is in an illusionary state by choosing the “leadership” over the “need” for the “high support”, as priority, in-respect of persons with disability requires retrospection.
The right based approach to disability is incomplete without recognising the 24X7 family care to severe and profound category of persons with intellectual and developmental disability with high support needs, who cannot be mobilised to right based self-advocacy mode, leave aside the leadership.
Since the introduction of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 based on UNCRPD mandate 2007, there has been a paradigm shift from medical and social base to right based approach to disability. This has created the massive gap between the demand and supply of resources covering human, infrastructural, logistical and material need for fulfilment of disability rights in all spheres of life, causing at least 2% loss in GDP and encompassing around 20% population of India, requires appropriate attention of the policy makers and contributors to the economy.
On the other hand, family care is the only living source to bridge the massive momentary gap of resources in attaining these gigantic requirements of the right based approach of disability.
The family care that covers self-less lifelong socio-economic support, shelter, livelihood, aspirations, safety & security, post parental care, mental and physical health care of both family and persons with disability - needs recognition of law with case specific adequate training and socio-economic support to such families, irrespective of their BPL/APL status.
The family care has become the substitute service provider to the requirements of the disability.
Thus, there is also a paradigm shift of family care from just merely a status of social responsibility to a status of 24X7 “Substitute Service Provider” and has a cost to cater the right based approach to outreached disability in absence of formal compliance to UNCRPD mandate and corresponding legislations.