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The Rashtriya Poshan Maah (National Nutrition Month) 2024 was held on 6th September 2024 at Duncan Council hall and Duncan UPHC, Dimapur. 

The focus areas of this year for Poshan Maah includes, Anaemia, Growth Monitoring, Complementary Feeding, Poshan Bhi Padhai Bhi (Nutrition alongside Education), Technology for Better Governance.

In the programme, the chairperson, Asen walling, District Coordinator POSHAN Abhiyaan on her brief note said that Poshan Maah under Poshan Abhiyaan is observed as Nutrition month in September every year since 2018 and was to ensure the community mobilisation and bolster people's participation for addressing malnutrition amongst young children and women, and to ensure health and nutrition for everyone. 

Renchano Odyuo, CDPO Dimapur (U) in sensitization on ICDS said that the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) program can be made more aware to the community through campaigns that raise awareness about issues affecting women and children. These campaigns can help to encourage people to care for both girls and boys. Some of the issues that can be addressed through these campaigns includes: Discrimination against girls, Female foeticide, and Infanticide.  She also said that, The ICDS program provides services through Anganwadi centres, including: Nutrition and health education, Health check-ups, Referral services, Immunization and vaccination, Supplementary nutritional feeding, Primary childcare and education. 

Medical Officer, Dr. Rose incharge of Duncan UPHC said Anaemia is a significant focus area, particularly affecting young children, adolescent girls, pregnant and postpartum women, and women of reproductive age. The initiative aims to address nutritional deficiencies, promote healthy habits, and reduce anaemia's intergenerational effects. And she noted that Over 35 crores sensitization activities were conducted during Poshan Maah 2023, with around 4 crores focused on anaemia and the initiative directly reached 69 lakh pregnant women, 43 lakh lactating mothers, and 22 lakh adolescent girls. The program impacts over 10 crores beneficiaries nationwide through biannual nutrition-centric campaigns (Jan Andolan).

The programme was organized by District Programme officer, Dimapur CDPO (u) in convergence with the Health and Family Welfare and Duncan Council, GMS Duncan Lotha Khel and I&PR. Also a short speech was delivered by the Council Members. Anaemia Screening Camp and Health Check-up Camp was followed after the programme.


(Limatoshi, IA Dimapur)