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Advisor to Chief Minister, Abu Metha, had meetings with the office of the US Consul General Kolkata and the Consul General of Germany, Manfred Auster on 2nd April 2022.

In the meeting, they discussed building friendships, strengthening bilateral ties, working collaboratively, and creating opportunities. The advisor thanked them for their visits to Nagaland and also for their positive participation during the Hornbill Festival. Metha highlighted the initiatives of the Nagaland Government in the fields of tourism, arts, culture, music, and sports.

The Chief Minister’s recent announcements during the budget session were shared with the foreign diplomats and he hoped for future collaborations in new policies like Hornbill on Tour, sports collaborations, and cultural exchanges. Both the US Consulate and the German Consul General appreciated the programmes of the Hornbill Festival and also expressed a positive desire to further enhance collaborations and partnerships in the future with Nagaland and the region.

The Advisor was accompanied by Advisor, TaFMA, Theja Meru.