iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

ADC Kohima, Lithrongla Tongpi Rutsa, has notified that in view of the detection of a Covid-19 positive person, as per the SOP on preventive measures to contain the Spread of COVID-19 in offices issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Directorate General of Health Services (EMR Division), Government of India, Dated 4th June 2020, the under mentioned offices:

  1. Central Block, Nagaland Civil Secretariat.
  2. Directorate of Social Welfare.
  3. Department of Social Welfare, Nagaland Civil Secretariat
  4. Department of Under Developed Areas, Nagaland Civil Secretariat
  5. Gate No. II, Nagaland Civil Secretariat

are hereby sealed for 48(forty eight) hours w.e.f 17th August 2020. The fumigation and disinfection of the Office premises is being initiated, following all health safety measures and SOPs of the Government.

The proposed Sealed Area is mapped and cordoned off and the public and all concerned are advised to follow all safety precautions of wearing masks all the time, frequently washing hands and maintain social/physical distances to ensure public hygiene and personal safety within the proximity of the sealed Area.

(Morotsung Longchar IA Kohima)