iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

ADC Tuensang and Administrator Tuensang Town Council, Thungchanbemo Tungoe has issue a notification for total Ban on Single-Use Plastics within the limit of Tuensang Town Council with immediate effect.

       The categories of Single Use Plastics are: All plastic carry bags with or without handle irrespective of thickness and size. Plastic cutlery including plates, cups, straws etc, Cutlery and other decorative made of Styrofoam (thermocol).D. Polythene. E. Nylon. F. Poly-vinyl-chlorides (PVC).G. Poly-Propylene. H. Poly-Styrene.

        The Inspector and officers of TTC was authorized to oversee and carry out inspection and levy fine against the defaulters.

(DPRO Tuensang)