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The Angami Gazetted Officers' Krotho (AGOK) in collaboration with its units (SAGOK, NAGOK, WAGOK & CGOK) visited four educationally weak Angami villages- Mitelephe, Tsiemekhuma Basa, Thekrejuma and Piphema in May 2022.

During their visit, the AGOK officials motivated and encouraged the students by sharing success stories and urged them to work hard irrespective of their socio-economic background since there is no substitute for hard work. "Even if there is a lack of talent, it can be compensated with hard work", they asserted. The AGOK also highlighted some of the major activities undertaken by the Krotho in the interest of its people, particularly for the young upcoming and hard-working students who aspire to become successful through meritocracy. The visiting officials had an interaction with the students and village functionaries, wherein, the problems and challenges faced by the students and School Management Committee were also apprised to the visiting officials.

The AGOK had contributed a small amount of seed money as a token of concern and encouragement. This outreach programme was conducted to reach out to the educationally weak villages as resolved and also in compliance with its motto "U Themia Dzevi".


(Nongozo Rikha, Asst. Director)