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A meeting of the Administrative Heads of Departments and Heads of Departments was held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary to the Government of Nagaland, J.Alam, IAS at Secretariat Conference Hall, Kohima on 18th March 2023.

Chief Secretary in his address reminded the officers to sincere in their duties. He asked the AHoDs and HoDs to monitor the attendance of their respective staff so as to avail services to the people. With regard to the First Session of the Fourteenth Nagaland Legislative Assembly, scheduled to be held from 20th March to 28th March 2023, he urged the AHoDs and HoDs to attend the Assembly sessions on all business days without fail and be available in the officers gallery to assist the Ministers and Advisors in discharging their assembly works.. 

Home Commissioner also spoke on preparation for hosting the G20 meeting and to speed up in all identified venues at the earliest. 

(Gaizam Moses, Asst. Director)