In view of fire incidents involving several hospitals with loss of lives in recent past and also in compliance with the Supreme court order writ petition (Civil) No 7 of 2020, all the government hospitals starting from Primary health centres to private hospitals/nursing homes in the state have been asked to nominate Nodal officer for fire safety with immediate effect as already communicated and the same should be submitted to the office of the Principal Director, Health and Family Welfare within 20th February 2021. The nodal officers will be in-charge of Fire safety in their health care units.
In a press release by Joint director and State Nodal Officer for Fire safety, Dr C. Tetseo stated that the state government will soon come up with standard guidelines on it and that the Fire & Emergency Services Department will be the nodal agency for certification. While that is in process, he stated that it is necessary, particularly for the hospitals, to adhere to the National building code 2016. He also mentioned that all public health care facilities like PHCs/CHCs are required to put up basic fire safety measures in place for safety of all. He added that the Deputy Chief Medical Officers who are also Nodal officer Fire safety in the district level have been requested to coordinate with all hospitals in their respective districts for implementation of these measures.