iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

ATMA Jakhama block conducted a field demonstration on nursery bed preparation for Cole crops and line sowing for field peas, French beans, and radish at Kezoma and Jakhama villages on 28th October and 2nd November 2022 respectively. Hands-on demonstrations for seedbed preparation, line sowing with proper spacing, mulching, and its importance, and irrigation were taught to the farmers. The farmers were appraised on the importance of timely intervention, weeding, and timely transplantation of nurseries to main fields. Direct Line sowing for Field peas, French beans, and radish was also given a hand on demonstration where ridges and furrow system was followed with intercropping field peas and French beans. The importance of intercropping with legumes for soil health was also highlighted.

Mobilization of farmer's groups was also conducted in both villages with the objective to motivate women folk in the farming community, where the participants were middle-aged energetic women members. The proposed women groups comprised 14 members with common interests where their main commodity is Potato, Leek/scallion, ginger cultivation, and also on other vegetable crops of commercial value. The group was given names “KELOSI” which means understanding one another and “AZO”. During the programme, the importance of working together, teamwork building, the importance of record keeping, photographs of activities undertaken, revolving funds, and account maintenance were shared with the group. The newly formed groups were given some Crop seeds, field peas, and onion seeds.

Resource persons were Vimenuo Mere (BTM), Vitsonuo Solo (ATM), Ketholezo Kipu (ATM), and Neitouzo Belho (ATM).