Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Tseminyu block of Tseminyu district mobilized a farmer's group on 31st October 2022 at Rengmapani village. The group's name is Gwani, consists of 12 women members. Dr. Vibeilie Joseph Keretsu, BTM briefed on the concept of group forming and that a bank account is mandatory; maintenance of the activities record for future reference as verification purposes.
A hands-on demonstration was also conducted on the topic, Package of Practices for Coriander where Sutsunginla Pongen, ATM Tseminyu block was the resource person. Proper land preparation, spacing, irrigation, weeding, etc were highlighted to the farmers. Also, a demonstration on the topic of Package of Practices for Broccoli was conducted at the same village where Rokokhoto Natso, ATM was the resource person. He stressed the importance of the crops, sowing, and transplanting. Weed/pest management and its medicinal value for good health as it contains iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C was highlighted.