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ATMA Kohima district in association with SAMETI & MANGE Hyderabad conducted Skill Training of Rural Youth (STRY) programme on bee keeping from 18th- 23rd October 2021 at Kezoma Village, Kohima. 
The main objectives of the training programme is to impart skill based training to Rural Youth on Agri based vocational areas in Agriculture and Allied areas to promote employment of Rural areas and for creation of skilled man power to perform Farm and Non- farm operations. Earlier to the Technical sessions, the participants were briefed with the introductions of the STRY programme.  
Dy.PD (ATMA), Kohima, Dr. Keviu Shuya and Dy.PD (ATMA) Rokoshuno Angela, Kohima were the resource persons for the technical sessions. Honey bee farm school teacher, Mima, Suse Khamo shared his experienced in his journey of bee keeping which he started in the year 2009 and gave hands-on demonstration on construction of bee hive, which is best suitable and maintenance of comb frame which will give more honey and further encourage the participants to take up on bee keeping as it can sustain our livelihood and Nagaland Honey has a good demand in the market for its organic in nature. 
Altogether, 21 participants benefitted from the programme.