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Social Welfare Department, Tening in collaboration with Administration & Medical department organized an Awareness-cum-vaccination drive for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) at Tening CHC on 21st June, 2021.

Additional Deputy Commissioner and Chairman SDTF for COVID-19, Tening, Rosietho Nguori, NCS gave a briefing on the importance of Covid vaccination for Persons with Disabilities and general. He said that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the normal life of every one irrespective of gender, class, creed and colour, and People with Disability are no exception. Presently, vaccination is the only means to protect oneself from the virus and he encouraged the gathering to avail the opportunity offered to them by the Government. The ADC further added that in case of any issue, the Administration along with the Medical team is willing to assist the people in whatever way possible.

Short speeches were delivered by MO, AYUSH, Dr.Nuksung Jamir and Disability Representative, Cherachun. Poshan Block Coordinator, Social welfare Department, Dibin Nbung chaired the programme and proposed vote of thanks.

(Eto Kauring, IA Tening)