World AIDS day was organised by District Prevention & Control Unit Wokha/TINGOs and sponsored by NSACS at Bhandari Town hall on 1st December 2021.
ADC Bhandari, Tiameren Chang, NCS graced the programme as the special guest , He encouraged the parents to be role model and everyone should treated them with love and respect and we should reduce stigma & discrimination against the people living with HIV/AIDS.
The theme speaker was Dr Caroline SMO (CHC) Bhandari. Lichumo Odyuo DPO, DAPCU Wokha. Briefly spoke on HIV/Aids scenario of Nagaland & Wokha, HIV Act 2017.
Earlier the programme was chaired by Loyivani and welcome address was made by David Kinghen, Vote of thanks was delivered by Bichow. The programme was attended by Church leaders, NGOs, Students and Public.
(IA Bhandari)