Block Task Force for COVID-19, Bhandari held a meeting at the ADC’s conference hall, on 30. 06. 2021 to asses and review the state of management and preparation for action in the coming days.
Additional Deputy Commissioner, and Chairman BTF, Bhandari, Tiameren Chang said in the meeting that the effort to combat the pandemic would be intensified through creating awareness, sensitization and vaccination drives to further ensure public health safety.
Observing that the frontline workers have been doing commendable job to keep the people safe and well informed about the Covid-19 pandemic, ADC said, public should not be hesitant to be vaccinated against the disease for one's health safety and benifit.
Senior Medical Officer (SMO), CHC Bhandari, Dr. Caroline highlighted on the activities related to the pandemic which are carried out by the medical teams under the Bhandari sub-division. She also informed the house on the status of availability of Covid-19 combat materials and facilities, Covid-19 positive patients, contact tracings, Random sample testings and village to village visitations for awareness campaigns and vaccination drives. Part of the highlight done by the SMO included the number of people already vaccinated within Bhandari sub-division since January 18th 2021, which stands at 3,476 till date.
Owing to the vast area of the sub division, and also due to vaccination hesitancy in some areas, there are several places to be covered by the teams, she also informed.
The Task Force decided to conduct further awareness and sensitization campaign and vaccination drives in populated and strategic areas such as Bhandari town. Merapani and Yimpang village areas on a phase wise manner which would be assisted by members of NGOs and students' leaders.
(APRO, Bhandari)