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Christian Forum Dimapur (CFD) today 15th May 2020 launched COVID-19 campaign under the theme "Protect yourself to prevent others," in the presence of APC and incharge Dimapur  from Government level to coordinate COVID related activities, Y. Kikheto Sema IAS, Deputy Commissioner Dimapur, Anoop Kinchi IAS, Commissioner of Police Rothihu Tetseo IPS and CMO Dimapur, Dr. Tiasunep Pongener.

To carry the campaign forward, Kikheto officially launched the COVID-19 stickers and 50,000 masks to be distributed amongst the frontline workers and the poor and needy.

Speaking on the occasion, Y Kikheto Sema, while taking advantage of the presence of all the CFD executive members, appealed to the church leaders to have a meeting to help the government use the Churches infrastructure, specially the church rest houses for accommodating stranded brothers and sisters arriving to Nagaland from various states of India, as they have to undergo the health protocols for the safety and interest of all. At the end of the day, the Government may request the churches to take responsibility of accommodating their church members where the Government would the assist for providing food and other necessities. He also lauded the private schools and college Associations Dimapur for coming forward to help the government with their hostels. Further, Kikheto was all praise for the Non Nagas (Marwaris Jains, Agarwals and other Samaj) for coming forward and offering to help their people in accommodation, food and all other necessities on their own

Deputy Commissioner Dimapur, Anoop Kinchi IAS, re-iterated on the importance of washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining social distance and dubbed these 3 steps as the golden rule to keep away the virus. "If we follow these rules sincerely there will be no issues and we will be in the right track," Kinchi maintained. Although large number of people would be arriving at Dimapur, Anoop assured that everything would be fine if people are discipline and advised them not to panic. He extended his appreciation to the CP Dimapur for successfully implementing the innovative idea of odd and even traffic regulation and remarked that traffic at Dimapur has been controlled to a very large extent. He also lauded the medical department for working 24 X 7 in containing the pandemic. He also expressed gratefulness to the Empowered Committee led by Kikheto Sema for rendering their tireless services in the fight against COVID 19. Mentioning that CFD, Students union, NGOs and all stakeholders holders are working unitedly as a team, Anoop sounded  optimistic and said, " Together we can definitely be able to fight the pandemic " 

CP Dimapur Rothihu Tetseo, emphasised on the important role of religious institutions in educating the people not to be panicky and to offer healing touch and prayer support at this critical juncture. He observed that many stranded people are and would be arriving without proper food, depressed and worn out and felt that spiritual healing through the church would ease their emotional stress to some extent. Citing burial issue, Tetseo also hinted that Nagas would face a lot of problem if the worst situation comes. He added that religious institutions/ churches should be ready and prepared to even carry dead body if situation arises and that would be a real challenge for the Church,"

CMO Dimapur, Dr Tiasunep said that nobody knows when, where and how the invisible virus would come and reminded that the only defence against the Corona virus will be to follow the 3 rules of wearing masks, hand hygiene and social distancing. If every community educate their people on these rules it will not be a big outbreak Dr.Tia asserted. While informing that vaccine research is going very fast on a promising note, CMO assured that the medical department will work harder in containing COVID 19. He admitted that most of the medical staffs are already burnt out working day and night for the past two to three months and appealed to the forum to pray for them in order to encourage and strengthen them.

Chairman, CFD, Rev. Moses Murry, in his welcome note said, "our fight is against an unseen virus and therefore, we have to fight with our faith in God along with the available human resources. Concerned about the increasing number of COVID positive cases in Assam the CFD also appealed to the authority for proper and stringent checkings/ manning of the borders. Assuring of all cooperation in containing the pandemic  CFD will be creating awareness and will be  distributing 50000 masks to the front line workers  and the needy  and  also  distribute COVID 19 car stickers, the Rev informed. It may be mentioned that 25000 masks has been donated by Diocese of Kohima Catholic Church, Bishop James Thoppil.

Miss Ruth Murry enthralled the programme with a special rendition while, Advisor CFD, Rev.R.P.Murry invoked God's blessings.

Secretary CFD, Rev.Dr. C.P.Anto chaired the program while Finance secretary, CFD proposed the vote of thanks. Programme concluded with mass prayer and benediction was pronounced by Rev.Dr. P.Dozo, Advisor, CFD.

(DPRO Dimapur)