The Department of Youth Resources & Spots has notified that in commemoration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava and to organise Clean India Campaign from 1st October to 31st October, 2021, the Government of Nagaland has constitute a State Level Committee and District Level Committee for implementation of the programme.
State Level Committee
1. Chairperson - Secretary, Youth Resources & Sports
2. Member Secretary - State Director, NYKS
3. Members - Representative from PHED, Urban Development, Rural
Development, School Education, Forest, Environment &
Climate Change, NHAI, Banking Sector, and NSS.
District Level Committee
1. Chairperson - Deputy Commissioner
2. Member Secretary - District Youth Officer, NYKS
3. Members - District representative from PHED, Urban Development, Rural
Development, School Education, Forest, Environment &
Climate Change, NHA, Banking Sector and NSS
The key activities of the programme will be to collect and dispose of waste mainly plastic waste, maintenance and beautification drives of historical monuments and heritage sites, Community Centres, Youth Clubs /Mahila Mandal buildings, School Buildings, Panchayat buildings etc and Cleanliness and maintenance of traditional water sources.
(Siizo Kikhi, IA Kohima)