Consultative meeting on Sakhi-One Stop Centre-cum-Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) was held on 25th April 2022 at DC’s Conference Hall, Wokha. The meeting was chaired by Orenthung Lotha, Deputy Commissioner & Chairman Sakhi-One Stop Centre, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP).
The DC enlightened the members on the success and failures of the points discussed in the previous meeting. All the conducted activities for the financial year of 2021-22 was also presented and discussed.
During the discussion, upcoming activities for the financial year of 2022-23, which are going to be conducted was presented and members agreed to focus on the development of drop-out girl population of the district with skill trainings, sports and various schemes. After thorough discussion on the issues and suggestions made by various members, the committee agreed to the following points:
1. Senior DEO (Education) was requested to collect the information and submit the data of drop-out rate of girls in the district.
2. CDPO was requested to carry out the survey and submit the data of village wise girl child population with male and female ratio.
3. DC, Wokha suggested to organize Mela-cum-awareness programme for SSY - Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana with all the bankers present in the district.
4. DPO suggested to conduct all the upcoming activities at block level and to conduct awareness and sensitization of all the schemes for the development of girl child with banks.
5. SDO(C) instructed the committee to prepare the annual actions plans for all the upcoming activities and to organize the Bamboo Basket & Cane Craft training with local artisans. He suggested including menforce in the activities and sensitization programmes. He also suggested initiating the Fathers Camp as priority level and to create Adolescent Girls Club to generate awareness on menstrual hygiene, child sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy among adolescent girls in the district.
6. OSC team requested District Administration to formulate task force or volunteers at village level to combat domestic violence and for rural women to make ends meet with all the support.
7. CDPO suggested carrying out the conversion for assistantship for their education and livelihood for girl victims in the district with OSC and WDLSA.
(DPRO & IA Wokha)