In continuation of the month long observance of Poshan Maah celebration a cooking competition was held on 15th September 2020 at the CDPO's office Medziphema with Chief Technical Officer, KVK Kenny as the resource person.
In her speech she spoke on the importance of kitchen garden and also to grow fruits and vegetables suiting to the climatic condition of the area. Emphasis was also made on organic farming and also how to preserve the locally produced organic fruits and vegetables without wasting them.
The cooking competition was held on the locally available fruits and vegetables with emphasis on their nutritional values. Cash incentives was given where the SEZO SHG, under NSRLM (RD) from Medziphema village was adjudged as the best competitor. Citation and cash were handed over by the Chief judge SDO Civil Medziphema, Tokai V Sumi.
(Sashimong, IA Medziphema)