iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Key Facts:

  1. There is no increased risk through droplet infection from a dead body to health workers or family members as dead body will not;
  • Cough.
  • Sneeze
  • Breath
  • Talk.
  1. Standard infection prevention control practices should be followed at all times as precaution against surface contamination.

These are

  • Hand hygiene
  • Safe handling of sharps
  • Use of PPE eg. Gloves, mask and plastic apron for those directly handling the dead body.

Removal of the Body from the room

  1. Following standard infection prevention control measures health worker will remove all tubes, drain and catheter from the dead body and sanitise the body with 1% hypochlorite solution.
  2. If the family of the patient wishes to view the body, they may be allowed to do so without touching the body while wearing mask and gloves.
  3. Place the dead body in a leak proof plastic body bag or wrap the dead body with leak proof plastic sheet. Place the body in the coffin and seal. Disinfect the coffin with 1% hypochlorite wait for 30 minutes, than hand over the body to the relatives.
  4. Properly packed, sealed and disinfected coffin can safely be handed over to the family.
  5. Advise relatives not to open the coffin.
  6. The health care workers will do all the formalities as per SOP (Standard Operative Procedure) for safe handling and coffin will be delivered to the family for performing the final rites.


  1. The body secured in a leak proof plastic body bag or coffin and the exterior of which is decontaminated with 1% hypochlorite solution poses no additional risk to the staff or to the family members transporting the dead body.
  2. The personnel handling the body may follow general standard precaution by means of wearing masks and gloves.
  3. The vehicle after transfer of the body to the burial site may be cleaned with 1% hypochlorite or formulated bleaching powder as a general procedure.

At the burial ground/Crematorium

  1. The body should not be taken out from the sealed coffin and it should be buried or cremated with the coffin.
  2. Religious ritual such as reading of the religious scripts, sprinkling of holy water, any other last rites that does not require opening of the coffin can be allowed.
  3. The funeral/burial staff and family member should perform hand hygiene after cremation/burial by washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol based hand sanitizer.
  4. The body once buried will have no health or environmental hazards.
  5. The ash does not have any risk after cremation and can be collected to perform the last rites.