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The ongoing wave of COVID-19 is slowly infection children below 18 years although not severe. However, with new variants of the Virus one cannot estimate the severity of the infection in the coming days.  Till a vaccine is developed for children below 18 years of age parents should take all the COVID-19 precautionary measures for their children. Here are some steps for parents/ care giver to prevent and manage COVID-19 in Children

  1. What should parents/ Care giver do?
  • Teach children more than 2 years to wash hand with soap and water for 20 second, maintain distance of 6 feet from others and limit in-person playtime.
  • Continue Breastfeeding of Children under 2 years by following COVID appropriate Behaviour
  • If child is more than 5 years, teach them to always wear mask while going out.
  • Clean  commonly touched places, toys at least once a day with 1% sodium hypochlorite.
  • Engage child in indoor physical and learning activities as much as possible.
  1. When to suspect COVID in Children?

Symptoms are similar in adults and children- Fever or Chills, cough, Nasal congestion or running nose, loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing, diarrhea and poor appetite.

  1. Take extra care if your child has any of the following.
  • Malnutrition, disability, Conditions such as HIV, underlying cardiac, liver, kidney problem.
  1. Who can be treated at home Isolation?
  • Asymptomatic or children with mild symptoms like sore throat; cough can be managed at home.
  1. Care of children under home isolation.
  • Don’t panic, majority of cases can be easily managed at home if detected early.
  • Inform ASHA/other functionaries in your areas.
  • Keep the child in a well- ventilated room.
  • Children less than 5 years should be accompanied by mother or caretaker during isolation.
  • If home isolation is not possible take the child to the nearest COVID Care Centre.
  1. Monitor the child by:
  • Counting respiratory rate 2-3 times a day.
  • Looking for chest in drawing.
  • Looking for bluish discoloration of skin.
  • Checking body parts to ascertain if it is extremely cold.
  • Checking Oxygen saturation and body temperature 4th hourly.
  • Fluid intake in 24 hours. Feeding intake and maintaining feeding chart
  • Activity level
  1. Symptomatic Management of Home isolated children
  • For Fever:  Paracetamol 10-15mg/kg/dose can be given in 4-6 hours interval.
  • For Cough: In older children gargle with salt water can be performed.
  • Fluid & Feeds: Ensure oral fluid to maintain hydration.
  • Antibiotics: Not  indicated
  1. What should be done if there is a sick adult at home?
  • Self –isolate in a room with adequate ventilation.
  • Stay as far as possible from children.
  • Always wear triple ply mask or N95.
  • Use separate dish, towels etc and clean separately.
  • Self –monitor for danger signs, socialize with friends and family through phone or video calls.
  • Take plenty of fluids.
  1. Consult doctor immediately if any of the following is present.
  • Respiratory rate more than-

≥60/min in children 0-2 months of age.

≥50/min in children 2-12 months of age.

≥ 40/min in children 1-5 years of age.

≥ 30/min in children > 5 years of age.

  • Urine output less than 0.5 to 1.5 cc/ kg/hour
  • Oxygen saturation below 94%
  • Temperature more than 100.4 F
  • Inadequate feeding / fluid intake.
  • Physically inactive.
  • Chest in drawing, cold extremities, bluish discoloration of body.
  • Skin rashes, redness & Swelling of lips, tongue, hand & feet.
  1. In case of moderate or severe symptoms :

Children with rapid breathing/ difficulty breathing/ SPO2<94 should, be referred immediately to the nearest Dedicated COVID Health centre or secondary hospital after consulting with the nearest Hospital.

Always consult a medical practitioner before any medicine is administered.


For more information call toll free- 1800-345-0019/ National- 1705

If there are symptoms of COVID19, get tested.  After negative self test, if symptoms still persist, get confirmatory test done through RT-PCR or TruNat

Always follow the precautionary measures of Wear a Mask, Washing Hands Frequently, Maintaining Social Distance and do not go out of the house un-necessarily.


Source: Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Nagaland

