Chief Secretary J.Alam, IAS stated that Cabinet Memoranda, the agenda for the Cabinet meeting and the minutes of the Cabinet meeting are secret documents and must not be handled by unauthorized persons and non-officials. The agenda and the cabinet minutes are circulated by the Cabinet Cell under sealed cover through the office of the Cabinet Ministers and the concerned Advisors. It is however regretted that the Cabinet Memoranda, Cabinet agenda and the minutes are sometimes circulated in the social media. He added that it is a serious violation of rules and is an offence under Official Secrets Act.
Therefore, all Cabinet Ministers, Advisors and Heads of Administrative Departments have been requested to issue proper instructions to the responsible officials attached to them that the Cabinet Memoranda, Cabinet Agenda and Cabinet Minutes being handled should not be circulated (i) through any social media like Whatsapp etc, except through official e-mail in case of urgency, and (ii) to any unauthorized persons/non-officials.