iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In view of the Hornbill Indigenous Go Cart Racing being organised in Kohima on 5th December 2021 from PHQ Junction to Phoolbari Junction from 7:00 AM onwards, the DC Kohima, Gregory Thejawelie NCS in a circular advised the public to commute on alternate routes.

It stated that all vehicular movements along the stretch of the road from PHQ Junction to Phoolbari Junction will be strictly restricted from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM.

In another circular with regard to Hornbill Cross Country Championship being organised in Kohima on 8th December 2021 from Indira Gandhi Stadium towards KMC Tata Parking area and culminating at Indira Gandhi Stadium from 7:00 AM onwards, DC Kohima advised the public to follow the undermentioned alternate route for vehicular movement - 'High Court Junction - NBCC Convention Hall - Sanuoru Bridge'.

The circular also stated that all vehicular movements along the stretch of the road from IG Stadium to KMC Tata Parking area will be strictly restricted from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM. All vehicle owners have been advised to remove vehicles parked along the highway on the aforementioned stretch by 6:00 AM.

(DPRO, Kohima)