iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In pursuance to Home Department Advisory NO.GAB-1.COM/GEN-1/2020(Pt-V) dated 12th June 2021 and with the need to take additional measures to streamline the public transport system for the safety of both the driver and the passenger(s), the Deputy Commissioner and Chairman DTF Kohima has issued the following directives for strict compliance of all concerned:

  1. Taxis are permitted to operate with a maximum of 2(two) passengers only and without any passenger in the front seat.
  2. If any passenger is found not wearing mask, the offender and the driver of the taxi shall be fined an amount of Rs. 200/- each.
  3. The driver of the taxi should disinfect the frequently touched areas such as door knobs, door handles, etc. after every trip, and should compulsorily keep hand sanitizers in the vehicle.
  4. The production of negative COVID-19 test report by the driver may be from any of the tests-RAT/RTPCR /TrueNat/CBNAAT. Testing shall be free of cost. RTO, Kohima may submit list of names to be tested to the Chief Medical Officer, Kohima for necessary action. 
  5. Drivers who have availed both doses of COVID vaccination shall be exempted from the above measure at clause (d). The driver is to carry a copy of the vaccination certificate with him at all times. Pending complete vaccination, the drivers should carry COVID-19 negative test result valid up to 15 days.
  6. Drivers willing to get vaccinated are to submit their names to the RTO, who may forward the list of names to this office.
  7. If the driver completely isolates himself by putting a plastic barrier/sheet in the vehicle between the driver and the passenger, the driver of such a vehicle may be exempted from the requirement of carrying COVID-19 test report.
  8. Mingling/overcrowding with other drivers and crowding at taxi stands is strictly prohibited.
  9. Any driver showing COVID-19 like symptoms such as fever, cough, cold, loss of smell/taste, diarrhea etc. should immediately isolate and get tested.
  10. Any action(s) in contravention with the above stated shall deem to have committed an Offence punishable under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code and relevant provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005. 

The Regional Transport Officer, Kohima shall be responsible for enforcement of the above directives. This order shall come into force with 'effect from the date of issue of this order, the 17th June 2021.

(DPRO Kohima)