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The Deputy Commissioner & Chairman, District Task Force Kohima, Gregory Thejawelie, NCS has in a notification ordered that in pursuance to Home Department order no NO.NSDMA-ER-COVID19/301/2020 (Part-II)/5350 Dated 20 May 2021 and in compliance to the State Government directive,the total lockdown shall continue to remain operative  in Kohima District till 31st May 2021.

Further, Vegetable, fish/meat vendors, milk booths, bakeries, local grocery stores including those that sell animal feed shops in wards/ colonies and wholesale-shops in BOC, Supermarket and High School Area are permitted to be open from 06:00 AM to 12:00 noon on alternate days viz. 24th, 26th and 28th May 2021, by strictly ensuring COVID-19 appropriate behaviour. Public are to shop their essential needs from within their colony only.

All other directives shall remain as per Order No. DCK/CON/COVID-19/2020-21/Pt (Vol-11)///WR-070


(Suzo, IA Kohima)