In the interest of public safety in view of the ongoing Changtongya-Longleng two lane construction and in order to facilitate the progress of the work, the Deputy Commissioner Longleng has informed to all the concerned that there will be total restriction of all vehicular movement from Dikhu Bridge to Chingtok junction on the date and time mention below.
(1). Date 4 May 2021. 06:00 pm to 08:00 pm.
(2). Date 5 May 2021.12 noon to 02:00 pm.
Further general public and pedestrians are requested not to loiter the blasting site/ construction sites.
The restriction is necessitated to facilitate speedy completion of work and as a precautionary measure to prevent any injury, loss of life and damage of property.
All concerned have been therefore informed to adhere and to take note of the same.
(Manjong Phom, IA Longleng)