iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In pursuance to the order issued by Home Department, Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority dated 30th June 2021 and in continuance to the Office Order dated 18th June 2021, DC Mon, Thavaseelan K, IAS, on 30th June 2021 issued an order for the existing lockdown measures to remain in force till 10th July 2021 in Mon District, with further relaxations and re-opening of activities and additional guidelines as under:

  1. Shops/business establishments dealing with all kind of goods and commodities are permitted to open from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
  2. Every shop shall display prominently the status of vaccination of all the persons running the shop. The Block Task Forces/Ward Task Forces/Village Task Forces shall monitor and supervise the same. This is a mandatory requirement. 
  3. Barbers shops and saloons will be allowed to open after ensuring vaccination of the persons/attendants running the shops. Application in this regard may be submitted by the shop owner to the concerned Administrator, Town Council or the Area Administrative Officer who after verification shall issue permit for the same to function. 
  4. All the Government offices in the District may open with 50% attendance of staff on any day, and subject to adherence to COVID-19 behavior at all times. All Government Servants not attending Office on any day shall work from home and will be available on phone/mail for dealing with any urgent Office work. 
  5. There is a complete ban on the movement of Persons/Vehicles from 7:00 PM to 4:00 AM. 
  6. Mass public transportation and inter-district movement of people for non-essential services shall continue to remain suspended.
  7. Wedding solemnization, funerals and sports training shall be allowed subject to an attendance of not more than 50 (fifty) persons, and subject to adherence to COVID-19 appropriate behaviour and to all the applicable SOPs issued from time to time.
  8. Religious places/places of worship are allowed to open subject to an attendance of not more than 50 (fifty) persons, and subject to adherence to COVID-19 appropriate behaviour and to all the applicable SOPs.
  9. Odd-Even restriction on movement of vehicles issued vide this Office Order No. GA/DEV/COVID-19/20201470 dated, Mon the 18th June shall continue to be in force. 


(Renbenthung IA Mon)