iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In order to facilitate contact tracing of persons affected with COVID-19 in future, Deputy Commissioner Phek, Razouvolie Dozo, has issued the following order and instructions for all public transport owners (Bus/ Taxi) :-

  1. All Public/ Private Transport counters functioning within Phek District shall mandatorily maintain a register to record details of all passengers on daily basis.
  2. The register should compulsorily contain date wise information with detailed address &contact number of each passenger,
  3. The Station Superintendent (NST), Phek will be responsible for its implementation
  4. All Nagaland Taxi Association, Phek Unit, will be responsible for its implementation.

The District Transport Officer shall ensure strict enforcement of the order and initiate regular checking of the sane and submit report to District Task Force (COVID-19) on weekly basis or as and when required.