iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner, Tuensang, Kumar Ramnikant IAS has issued Advisory to all concerned under Tuensang District jurisdiction to strictly follow the advisories given below to maintain safe environment at the work place. :

  1. No hospital base personnel are to enter the office promises, instead of physical visit, they are advised to leverage electronic means of communication including webinar. 
  2. All working places and work stations, particularly frequently touch surfaces to be sanitized with 1% sodium hypochlorite solutions at least 2-3 times and whenever required.
  3. Do not shake hands. 
  4. Do not touch eyes, nose and mouth. 
  5. Practice hygiene by frequently washing hands with soap and water as well as with hand sanitizers where hand washing facilities are not available. 
  6. Practice respiratory hygiene by using handkerchief while coughing and sneezing and avoid random spitting. 
  7. Everyone need not wear a mask. Wear a mask only if : 


  • One has symptoms (cough, fever or difficulty in breathing)
  • caring for a COVID-19suspect/confirmed patient.
  • health worker in a HealthCentre. 
  • need to go to crowded places. 


  1. Avoid all non-essential travels, crowded places, social gathering etc. 
  2. All contaminated items such as used masks, tissue papers etc should be disposed off safely. 
  3. Adopt healthy lifestyle, proper diet, adequate sleep, exercise, avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol (including after addictive substances) and avoid physical visits, instead use electronic means to contact family and friends.


(DPRO Tuensang)