iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In pursuance of the Directorate of Technical Education, Nagaland Kohima office notification No.DTE/Estt-NP-13/2017, dated 26th November, 2021, Corrigendum dated 27th November, 2021, Addendum dated 30th November, 2021 and 18th January, 2022, the applications based on academic marks have been shortlisted in the ration of 1:5 (one post to 5 candidates) for interview scheduled on 7th, 8th and 9th February, 2022 in the Conference Hall of Directorate of Technical Education, Nagaland, Kohima.

The shortlisted candidates and the timings for interview can be seen in the Department website: www.dtenagaland.org.in and Notice board. The shortlisted candidates have been advised to bring along with all documents in original starting from HSLC and especially the candidates shortlisted under reservation quota should bring BT certificate, failing which their candidature shall be cancelled.

No separate call letter shall be issued.
