iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner Mon informed that Mon District COVID-19 War Room was set up on 10/04/2020 at DRDA Conference Hall, comprising of officials from District Administration/Police/Health and family Welfare and various line departments of the District. The War Room acts as a single point for information collection in addition to monitoring people under quarantine on a daily basis. The District War Room has been coordinating the conduct of Active Case Search throughout the District and is also training various team members and volunteers and contact Listing & Cluster Containment Strategy.

Four Sub-Divisional War Room have been setup at Tobu, Aboi, Tizit and Naginimora Sub-Divisions to function as an auxiliary of and in tandem with the District COVID-19 War Room.

DC Mon also notified that the District Administration, Mon conducted a one day training on 'Contact Listing & Tracing' for COVID-19 District Control Room/War Room Personnel, Police and FrontlineHealth workers on the 20th of April 2020.

Dr. Kumkiuba was the resource person for the training where he briefed on the contact listing and tracing plan for Mon District, the main objective of which is to trace all suspected persons who have come in contact with COVID-19 positive patients and quarantine/isolate them as the case may be. This is critical in order to contain the spread of the virus.


(DPRO, Mon)