The Directorate School Education has notified for the information of all employees serving under the department of school education that submission of petitions/representations by employees directly to higher authorities by-passing the prescribed channel of communication is viewed seriously by the department and appropriate disciplinary action shall be initiated against those violating these instructions as it amounts to unbecoming conduct attracting the provisions of Rule 4(1)(iii) and Rule 19 of the Nagaland Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1968.
Rule 19 of the Nagaland Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1968 is reproduced below for ready reference.
“SUBMISSION OF PETITIONS: No Government servant shall submit any petition directly to Government or to any higher authority otherwise than through the immediate departmental superior and no Government servant shall serve copies of such petitions to outside authorities, that is to say; authorities who are not directly connected with the consideration thereof(e.g. Ministers of other departments, Members of legislature).
NOTE- A Government servant wishing to press a claim or to seek redress of a grievance in any matter connected with the service rights or conditions, shall address his immediate official superior or the head of his office or such other authority at the lowest level, as is competent to deal with the matter. An appeal or representation to a higher authority must not be made unless the appropriate lower authority has already rejected the claim or refused relief or ignored or unduly delayed the disposal of the case. When such an appeal or representation is made, it shall be submitted through the proper channel, though an advance copy of the appeal or representation may, at this stage, sent directly.”
Further, it is reiterated that every Government servant making a representation should do so separately and in his/her own name. Making of joint representations by Government servants in matters of common interest will be viewed as subversive of discipline and will not be entertained.