In pursuance to the provisions of the RTE Act, 2009 and NEP, 2020, The Directorate of School Education has informed that admission to Class 1 shall be provided to children in the age group of 6+ years.
Further, admission to Pre-school/anganwadi/balvatika shall be provided to children in the age group of 3-6 years.
This notification comes in to force with immediate effect and children already admitted to Pre-Schools/ Class 1 in age groups below the above specified norms prior to the issue of the notification shall be allowed to continue with the same.
Head of Institutions of all schools functioning within the State of Nagaland have been directed to ensure that the notification is strictly complied with.
The issue is as per the Government directive vide Letter No.DSE/NEP-20/7-49/2020 Dated, 15th April 2021.