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District Task Force Kiphire convened a meeting on 9th April at DC's conference hall and discussed various issues.

DTF chair person apprised the Covid-19 empowered group may allow the movements of stranded people from the Northeast states in the near future.

Medical department highlighted requirements of more ministerial staffs to assist them, as more returnees are anticipated from Northeast states and other parts of the country. In this regard, EAC HQ Chumbenthung Murry have been entrusted to requisition staffs of other departments as per the requirements of the department.

 Civil Societies representatives USLP and ESH in collaboration with YTC have been entrusted to provide detail consolidated lists of citizens stuck in the Northeast states, and who are desirous to return back. Besides, they have been requested to tie up with VCs, VDBs and assess the facilities set up in quarantines in the Villages under Kiphire District.

In anticipation for the need for quarantine centre if and when stranded person came from the Red Zones across the country, the chairperson directed EAC (S) Chenithung Ovung to inform all the Circle officers to submit the details of the quarantine facilities established villages.

The chairperson took the concurrence if the Civil Society organization and area representatives that stranded person would be allowed to enter the wards/ villages and the same would be communicated to all the Villages councils.

ADC HQ Nyempo appraised on the activities of the Kiphire Town Council with regard to strategic, and commonly used places in the town with the help of the fire department.

Addl SP stressed that the fight against Covid-19 is a collective effort and requested cooperation from the Civil Societies and general public . The chairperson reiterated that social distancing should be ingrained in the norm in the mind of all public.

(DPRO Kiphire)