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            Mon District Administration in collaboration with Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE) completed the electrification of a hitherto unelectrified village Shinnyu under Mon district. A total of 60 households, Churches and Community Hall has been electrified using Solar Power. The entire cost for the project standing at Rupees Twenty Three Lakhs was borne through CSR funding and executed by the Global Himalayan Expedition. Global Himalayan Expedition works towards providing clean energy access through solar power to remote communities and has also won the United Nation Global Climate Action Award 2020. 

            DC Mon, Thavaseelan K, IAS expressed his gratitude to Global Himalayan Expedition for taking up the project and further stated that they are working on electrifying more villages in addition to several Health Units and Schools. He also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Advisor DUDA, N Bongkhao Konyak for his continuous support and guidance. The DC further acknowledged the service of Shinnyu Village Teacher John, Shinnyu Village Council and the people of Shinnyu Village for their heartwarming community mobilization and participation. 


                                                                        (Renbenthung, IA Mon)