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As part of the month-long celebration of Poshan Maah programme, Department of Social Welfare, Peren organised essay competition on complimentary feeding at Ahthibung Town Hall on 24th September, 2021. Speaking on the occasion, PHC Ahthibung MO, Dr. Vezokholu Khamo stressed on the importance of good health. She also stated that young youths are the backbone of the nation for which she encouraged young mothers to practice exclusive breastfeeding and complimentary feeding of young children. The 1st position was bagged by Nengneilhing (Songsang Village), while 2nd and 3rd position was bagged by Kikim (Jalukie town) and Suisui (Jalukie town) respectively. The programme was chaired by Block Poshan Coordinator Ahthibung, Ngauphutlakho Nrak, while short note on Poshan Maah and complimentary feeding was delivered by District Poshan Coordinator, Kulule and words of appreciation was proposed by Block Asst. Poshan Coordinator Ahthibung, Haipeurangbe Moses. (Mamang, IA Peren)